• Supporting the Torture Victims in this time of Need...

  • Supporting the Torture Victims in this time of Need...

  • Supporting the Torture Victims in this time of Need...

  • Supporting the Torture Victims in this time of Need...

Supporting the Torture Victims in this time of Need...

Immediate Release: 21-04-2010

Islamabad - SACH-struggle for Change conducted a field visit to facilitate the torture victims residing in a refugee colony in I-12 (ICT). The purpose of the visit was to guide and support the torture survivors on prevention and protection against Covid-19 and to distribute among them some immune boosters, face masks, detergents, disinfectants and some basic medicines to coop with common cough, flue and fever. Along with this, the Torture victims were provided knowledge regarding the covid-19 contraction and how they could save themselves by following simple methods of maintaining hygiene and practicing protocols of social distancing. SACH is gratified to the European Union for its generous support and looks forward to further help and support the torture victims during this pandemic
