- Police Sensitization workshop Lahore
- Medical Facility to the Torture Victims in Lahore office
- Support to Torture Victims in Covid-19 Pandemic
- Supporting the Torture Victims in this time of Need...
- Let’s join hands to support the Torture victims!
- Theater for Development on “Right to Choose”
- Medical camp for the less privileged community! Lahore
- SACH – Struggle for Change holds a medical camp for the less privileged community!
- SACH – Struggle for Change holds medical camp for “Torture Survivors”
- Theatre for Development” Conducted as Part of Torture Prevention Initiatives in Police Force
- Regional consultation on legislative administrative and policy measures to eradicate torture in Pakistan
- Police Sensitization Workshop
- Police Sensitization WorkShop
- Police Sensitization Workshop
- Theater For Development
- Police Sensitization Work Shop
- Lawyers Sensitization Work Shop
- Police Sensitization Work Shop
- Health Sensitization Work Shop
- Health Sensitization Work Shop
- Health Sensitization Work Shop
- Health Sensitization WorkShop
- Police Sensitization Workshop
- STAKEHOLDERS DIALOGUE ON GBV & Child Protection 2016
- International Women's Day in Peshawar - 2016
- Annual Retreat - Sawat & Malamjabba
- Annual Retreat - Highland Country Club
- Debate Competition - Right to Choose
Immediate Release:21-12-2020
Islamabad- SACH- Struggle for change arranged the One-day sensitization workshops with High ranked Police officials at Chung Police training College Lahore
SACH sensitized the 81 Police officials in 4 days workshops. The basic concept of these workshops was Prevention of Torture & sensitized the Police officials to mold them from force to servise The commandant of training College also appeared and acknowledged the SACH efforts for Human Rights
SACH also extremely thankful to the European Union for his generous support in this regard
Some glimpses of activities are above here.
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Immediate release : 23 Nov 2020
Islamabad - SACH- Struggle for Change arranged the Medical Facility and Rehabilitation for the torture victims at SACH - Struggle for Change office Lahore. The beneficiaries included victims from minorities and less privileged communities
These victims were provided basic medications according their Problems.
SACH extends its complete support to the torture victims and is extremely thankful to the European Union for its generous support in this regard.
SACH proudly share some glimpses of Rehab & Medical Examination above here.
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Immediate release: 18th May 2020.
Islamabad - SACH - Struggle for Change arranged medical camps and awareness programs on Covid-19 with torture victims residing in refugee camps, Bari-imam, Maha-abadi and other less privileged colonies of Islamabad. The beneficiaries included victims from the communities of refugees, transgender and minorities.
These victims were provided basic medications, immune boosters, masks, sanitizers and detergents for prevention and protection against Covid-19. Along with this, they were also guided precautions to avoid contraction of this deadly pandemic.
SACH extends it's complete support to the torture victims in this of need and is extremely thankful to the European Union for its generous support in this regard.

Immediate Release: 21-04-2010
Islamabad - SACH-struggle for Change conducted a field visit to facilitate the torture victims residing in a refugee colony in I-12 (ICT). The purpose of the visit was to guide and support the torture survivors on prevention and protection against Covid-19 and to distribute among them some immune boosters, face masks, detergents, disinfectants and some basic medicines to coop with common cough, flue and fever. Along with this, the Torture victims were provided knowledge regarding the covid-19 contraction and how they could save themselves by following simple methods of maintaining hygiene and practicing protocols of social distancing. SACH is gratified to the European Union for its generous support and looks forward to further help and support the torture victims during this pandemic
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Immediate release: April 17, 2020
SACH - Struggle for Change, Islamabad - The Coronavirus pandemic has threatened millions of lives though out the globe. Despite many efforts, this deadly disease is spreading continuously and putting the lives of many people at risk including the torture victims. In this situation of despair, torture victims are most vulnerable to cater this disease because of their lack of awareness, poor socioeconomic status and absence of cooperation from other sectors of the society. SACH extends its continuous support with kind cooperation of The European Union to these torture survivors and stands with the government and all other non-governmental institutions which are working for protection and prevention against this disease in these less privileged communities.
SACH is committed to supporting torture victims in current scenario of Covid-19. It believes that the torture survivors may be finding it very hard to coop with current situation. As shared by majority of them, they have very less resources to make their both ends meet. This pandemic has not only brought upon them unemployment due to the enforced lockdown but also a biological hazard that could affect their communities in a devastating way. During our medical camps with torture victims residing in twin cities (ICT and RWP District), it was observed that their crowded colonies, poor sanitary conditions and use of contaminated water, poor hygiene andlack of medical facilities may contribute to a wider spread of this disease.
The most common symptoms include a running nose, dry cough, fever and fatigue. Other symptoms include headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In severe cases individuals show symptoms of progressive shortness of breath, persistent chest pain, delirium and hemoptysis. The virus mainly transmits between people during close contact by respiratory droplets produced during coughing and sneezing by the infected person. It also spreads by touching infected surfaces followed by touching eyes, nose, face and mouth.
To cater this disease, SACH recommends the following precautionary measure to torture victims:
- Avoid close physical interaction(handshakes, embracement) with individuals. Maintain a safe distance of 6ft atleast.
- Washing clothes and shoes with any detergent/bleach available in the market. The pavements within the communities are narrow with poor drainage systems. Special care must be taken while movement to avoid contact with contaminated and polluted water.
- Use of any kind of soap for washing hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Covering the mouth and nose at the time of coughing or sneezing. Never sneeze/cough directly onto someone. Stay inside and minimize family/religious gatherings to avoid contraction.
- Children should be urged to stay at homes because their immune system is comparatively weaker making them more prone to this disease.
- Seek urgent medical advice if any of the symptomsappear. Approach your nearest medical centers or government helpline in this case.
- Avoid all overcrowded grocery/medical stores. Maintain safe distance. Use currency notes with proper care and wash hands after any transaction.
- In Prisons, social distancing protocols should bestrictly practiced (avoiding handshakes and hugs) and prisoners should be provided with immune boosters (Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Zinc Sulphate etc).Awareness regarding the spread and nature of the disease must be delivered to prisoners.
- Elderly people and those suffering from co-morbids (Diabetes mellitus, Cardiac Disease, Asthma, Renal Disease, Liver disease etc) should stay at home, maintain social distancing and avoid unnecessary doctors/hospitals visits We request you to stay at home and protect yourself and your loved ones. Health is wealth!

For Immediate Release: October, 7th2019
Islamabad – SACH – Struggle for Change presented a theatre for Development on “Right to Choose” at Pakistan National Council of the Arts School (PNCA), ICT in collaboration with British High Commission on Tuesday, 1stof October 2019. This theatre was arranged to bring awareness on social issues. It consisted of acts on real life scenarios on issues pertaining to violation of rights. SACH – Struggle for change is striving in spreading awareness by arranging developmental programs by engaging professionals and youth to understand their rights and responsibilities. One of the basic rights of an individual is to marry. The theatre play highlighted the roles, responsibilities and harmful traditional practices related to the marriage institution. The play was attended by 200+ attendees including youth from different educational institutes.

Published: January 07,2020
Lahore: Two-day medical camp was arranged by SACH - Struggle for Change with a Labour community at Sadar Cant (New officer Colony) Lahore on Jan 06,07 2020. The basic purpose of the camp was to provide medical facilitation to the less privileged community at their door step. Around 30 to 50 people were examined that days and were given free counseling and medications. SACH has been arranging medical camps in different parts of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the welfare of torture survivors. Few glimpses of the medical camp can be seen in the pictures above.
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Published: August 24, 2019
ISLAMABAD: A one-day medical camp was arranged by SACH - Struggle for Change with a transgender community at Meharabadi, G-12 ICT on August 23, 2019. The basic purpose of the camp was to provide psychological and medical facilitation to the under privileged community at their door step. The trans-genders of Pakistan have been victimized and tortured for many decades. Around 30 trans-genders were examined that day and were given free counseling and medications. SACH has been arranging medical camps for years in different parts of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the welfare of torture survivors. Few glimpses of the medical camp can be seen in the pictures below.
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Published: August 29, 2019
ISLAMABAD: A one-day medical camp was arranged by SACH - Struggle for Change at a village in Haripur District, Chappar road, KP on August 28, 2019. The basic purpose of the camp was to provide quality healthcare facilities to victims of torture at their door step.It was part of EU’s efforts for social uplift and community service of Torture survivors in less privileged areas. Many patients were examined and were given free counseling and medicines.
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For Immediate Release: July, 26, 2019
Islamabad – Noble policing involves respecting human rights and upholding the rule of law and requires that the police as an integral part of the criminal justice system respects and upholds the rights and liberty of individuals. Today, we live in a democratic country, and the police being a vital component of the state need to operate according to democratic norms. SACH – Struggle for Change, an Islamabad-based NGO presented a Theatre for Development in Regional Police Training School, Malakand Swat (KP) in collaboration with The European Union as part of its interventions in an EIDHR projecton Sunday, 28th of July 2019.The venue of the theatre was Police Training School, Swat. The theme of the play was based on Fundamental Human Rights which included acts on effective policing and FIR, torture and its effects, physical and judicial remand and police –public relationship. The intervention has been aimed to guide police force in performance of their duties while observing and protecting human rights and managing the stress encountered as a result of professional duties.The audience included police officers from different districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwah. SACH sensitized around 400 police officers on issues pertaining to existence of torture and persuaded them to adopt ways of effective and honest policing to establish a torture free society. The performance was designed to be interactive that enabled mutual information sharing between performers and practitioners regarding experiences and problems faced during law enforcement, providing guidance to the followers and people to come.
At the end of the theatre, SACH presented shields to Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Tanoli (Director PTS) and Mr. Kaleem Ullah (Admin officer - RTT) for their support.
Ms. Khalida Salimi, Executive Director – SACH, stated her resolve that the Government should be reminded that no exceptions whatsoever may be supplicated to justify acts of torture by state authorities. The bar against torture applies universally, including in the context of fighting terrorism, and the UN Convention against Torture is one of the most important and binding human rights instrument to minimize and eradicate torture practices in Pakistan. Shecommitted that SACH will keep rallying all means to protect everyone who has ever been, or continue to be exposed to this repugnant human rights violation and stand by all those who very courageously engage against this crime through awareness raising or support to victims.SACH is extremely grateful to the authorities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwah Police for sparing the participants for the much needed exposure
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SACH – Struggle for Change arranged a consultation on Friday, 29th of March, 2019 at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. The purpose of the consultation was to contemplate and discuss on legislative, administrative and policy measures to eradicate torture in Pakistan. The consultation was attended by participants from various walks of life including law, media, police, civil society. Renowned and vocal members of Punjab Assembly Ms. Uzma Kardar and Ms. Saadia Sohail also actively participated in the discussion. The discussion highlighted the situation of existing legal framework to prevent torture in Pakistan and issues pertaining to torture prevailing in the society.
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SACH – Struggle for Change organized a two day Sensitization Workshop based on the subject of “Fundamental Human Rights” at Police Training College, Hangu district KP on 20th & 21st of March. The workshop comprised of 203 participants who were from different districts of Khyber pakhtoonkhwa. It was attended by the Commandant Police training College Hangu District as well. The workshop was widely appreciated and efforts of SACH were recognized in creating a torture free society. SACH proudly shares some of the glimpses of the activity below.

SACH -Struggle for Change conducted a Sensitization Workshop at Police Training School at Police Head Quarter, Islamabad on 14th March, 2019. The purpose of the workshop was to sensitize the police officials on issues pertaining to Torture and violation of Human Rights. The workshop was widely appreciated. Few glimpses of the workshop are shared below.

Police Sensitization Workshop 17th January 2019:
SACH – Struggle for Change arranged a workshop on 17th January, 2019 with police officials of ICT at Police Training Center, Police Lines – Islamabad. This purpose of the workshop was to guide the police officials on managing stress to ensure effective policing in the society and handling intense situations along with the protection of human rights. The Workshop was attended by thirty (20) participants.
Theater For Development
A theater performance was arranged by SACH – Struggle for Change on 28th December, 2018 in auditorium - Police lines, Police Head Quarters Islamabad. Its main purpose was to sensitize police officials on issues pertaining to human rights and performing their duties honestly. The theater activity’s theme was based on concepts regarding efficient policing and proposing strategies on handling intense situations during work and guarding human rights. The total number of participants who attended the performance was ninety seven (97). The participants enjoyed the performances and it was suggested to have more of such activities in future.

SACH – Struggle for Change arranged a workshop on 13th December, 2018 with junior police officials of ICT. This workshop was also organized to analyze and access the concepts of police officials regarding handling pressure and proposing strategies on how to bear stress and handle intense situations during their work with respect to protection of human rights at the same time.The Workshop was attended by thirty (30) participants.

SACH – Struggle for Change organized a One-day Lawyer’s Sensitization Workshop with lawyers across district Swat and Haripur on 22ndOctober 2018 at Swat Bar Association, Swat (KPK). SACH took onboard stakeholders from the legal fraternity and the activity was attended by president of Swat Bar Council Mr. Akhtar Munir and Sardar Ahmad khan (advocate high court).The total number of participants was thirty nine (39).
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The workshop was organized by SACH – Struggle for Change in Police lines, Police Head quarter Islamabad on 18th October, 2018. The main purpose of the workshop was to aware and sensitize police force deployed in ICT on issues related to stress during duty hours and protection of Human Rights. They were guided mechanisms for reducing stress. Policing is a tough job and one has to be attentive all the time which could give rise to stress therefore they were guided information on how they could reduce their stress and guard human rights. This workshop was attended by thirty three (33) participants.

SACH arranged a one-day sensitization workshop with the health professionals of DHQ Haripur District, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa on 8th September, 2018. The concept of the workshop was to sensitize the health professionals which included doctors, nurses and technicians from the DHQ on identification and treatment of torture victims and proposing them strategies on providing suitable medical assistance to them. The workshop was attended by thirty five participants.

SACH – Struggle for Change arranged a workshop with the paramedic staff of Federal Government Services Hospital, F-6 Islamabad on 8thaugust 2018. The workshop was attended by forty (40) participants in total. The main objective of the workshop was to sensitize the paramedic staff on treating torture victims and proposing them strategies on providing timely appropriate assistance to them.

Struggle for Change organized a workshop with final year nursing students of PIMS Nursing College G-8, Islamabad on 10th August, 2018.The purpose of the workshop was to aware and sensitize the participants on identification and treatment of torture victims and to provide them with knowledge on regulations of law to help them deal with the torture cases in an effective way. The workshop was attended by ninety seven participants.

The workshop was arranged in the Auditorium, Federal Government Services Hospital, F-6 Islamabad on 17th July 2018 with their HODs on Identification and treatment of torture victims. The main purpose of the workshop was to sensitize the health professionals on treating torture victims and proposing strategies on providing legal assistance to the tortured patients. The workshop was attended by twenty seven (27) participants.
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The workshop was arranged in the Auditorium, Police lines Islamabad on 8th November, 2018 by SACH – Struggle for Change. The purpose of the workshop was to sensitize police officials on stress management so that they could proactively handle violent situations, protect themselves; and protect human rights while performing their tasks. The Workshop was attended by twenty seven (27) participants which was a good representation from the Police officials.
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The workshop was arranged in the Auditorium, Police Academy Islamabad where 27 junior police officials participated. The basic purpose of the workshop was to sensitize police officials on Stress management so that they could proactively handle violent situations, protect themselves; and protect human rights especially for the vulnerable persons, while performing their tasks. This workshop was organized to analyze and access the concepts of police officials regarding handling pressure and propose strategies on how to bear stress and intense situations during their work.
Keeping in vision the theme for the day “Convention against Torture”, SACH attempted to take onboard stakeholders from the legal fraternity and for this reason; SACH collaborated with District Bar Association, Islamabad, which nominated 28 lawyers for participation in the workshop. The activity was attended by Mr. Khurshid Ahmad (General Secretary District Bar Association) and Mr. Majid Bashir (Ex-civil Judge – Advocate Supreme Court) who briefed the gathering on how lawyers can help torture sufferers through their practices. The workshop was also attended by Mr. Syed Khawar Hussain (Information Officer – EU).

SACH has organized Stakeholder dialogue on Gender Based Violence and child protection on 17th Nov, 2016 at Shelton Rezidor, Peshawar in collaboration with UNHCR.
The activity was attended by Mr. Ijaz Muhammad Khan (Acting Chief-Child Protection Commission), District Officer-Social Welfare, Colleagues from CAR UNHCR, other Govt. and Non Govt. organization. The whole activity was interactive and all the participants shared their experiences about GBV and child protection.
Mr. Awais-ur-Rehman, Task Manager from SACH - Struggle for Change shared in his introductory session of SACH � Struggle for change. He gave a brief introduction of the organization and shared with audience that the organization is devoted to the victims of violence and torture. He also shared the service, activities and work of SACH for refugees
Ms. Bushra Attaullah (Assistant Protection Officer-UNHCR) gave a brief presentation on UNHCR�s mandate and International Protection Framework- Rights of Refugees and IDPs in context of current situation /policy/status of registered Afghans and IDPs. A brief discussion on GBV and child Protection was facilitated by Mr. Imran Takkar (Trainer-SACH). GENDER-BASED violence is deeply rooted in regions like South Asia even today. Stereotyping women and discrimination against them get even more dangerous and terrifying in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Gender-based violence is a persistent problem in Afghan communities. He said gender discrimination is a harsh tragedy with the woman presumed the weaker sex both in Pakistani and Afghani society. He added that women are expected to be submissive and dependent while man is believe to be active, aggressive and independent, which is why man always dominates the woman.
It was emphasized that there is a dire need to combat gender-based violence through community awareness with focus on religious and community elders etc.
In Pakistan and Afghanistan the causes of violence are due to deep-rooted social and cultural values. Sadly, women facing discrimination and violence do not get a great deal of support from society and government. It is the duty of government to formulate gender-sensitive policies in collaboration with the civil society so that crimes against women can be minimized. Such policies will also help in changing the attitude of the people in the long run.
In the vote of thanks speech, Ms. Shazia Azhar, Project Coordinator from SACH shared that workshop will serve as a framework to develop better understandings about GBV and Child Protection She thanked member from UNHCR, Child Protection Unit KPK CAR, and all participants for their active participation and make the activity successful.
At the end of the activity all the participants agreed to work in collaboration for better addressing GBV and child Protection issues.

Competition on "Right to choose" Assurance of Blissful wedlock amongst various universities of Islamabad students, conducted at Bahria University, Islamabad on December 10, 2015.